
Member for: 3 years (since Feb 9, 2021)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Full name: ✨Rana Amir ✨
Location: ✨Egypt ✨
About: ✨Hope is our strength to carry on ✨
I won't lose my hope and I'm going to achieve all my dreams I won't care about what others say that's my life and I'll do all I want .
People don't have the right to judge my life or anyone else life .
I have such a lot if attractive dreams and they all will be achieved ( ان شاء الله) .

Activity by Rana Amir

Score: 1,021 points (ranked #9)
Questions: 44 (34 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 276 (39 chosen as best)
Comments: 920
Voted on: 460 questions, 669 answers
Gave out: 1,125 up votes, 4 down votes
Received: 792 up votes, 7 down votes
51 Online Users
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Today Visits : 52061
Yesterday Visits : 65116
Total Visits : 56241865

3.3k questions

10.4k answers


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