
Greeting Ladies and gentlemen 

Today's expression is 

there are plenty of fish in the sea 

What do you think this idiom means? 

Simply it means that the single person still has lots of options out there for future partners.  It's often said in consolation after a breakup. 


A: sorry I heard that you brokeup with Sarah 

B:it's okay, we only dated for afew weeks and it's not the worst , but I did kind of like her.. 

A:it's okay there are plenty of fish in the sea, I'll set you up with someone better 

​​​​try to write an example about this idiom to understand how to use it well 

I hope that was benefit for you guys 

If you liked my post or learned something new give it a voteup And good luck ✌

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4 Answers

by (196 points)
0 votes
ممتاز أحسنت النشر
by (197 points)
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0 votes

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

An awesome question.  Greetings Tiba 

We know there are plenty of fish in Z-American-English sea , but I think your question is a big amazing one.

By the way,  in your example , you said " a few weeks  " its sounds pretty right but I wonder how is  artic a came with plural weeks ?  Can you please  remind us about it. 

تحياتي وتمنياتي بالتوفيق للجميع 

by (751 points)
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What an incredible idea to help each other and also we teach together.
by (155 points)
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Oh it's a good question i didn't
notice that before
But look we use "a few " and "few"  only with the additive
We don't use this word 'a fefew
with the single

It doesn't sense when you say
I have a few pen
You can't say  this meaning with the single
ما يصير تقول عندي القليل من القلم
لكن تقدر تقول القليل من الاقلام
When i search about the different between "a few and few"
I found that the difference is
Few: when you say few that word you are not  satisfied. it means not enough

Example :i have few friends

That mean you are dissatisfied because you think you don't have enough friend

A few: you use this when you are in a normal mode,  you satisfied it's and doesn't complain "

I have a few friends live in London

What I mean here is i just have a few friends no matter if  they are a few the important thing is that i have a friends

بأختصار few تدل على عدم الرضا الكلمة تديك طابع انو الشخص قاعد يشتكي -حسب الي فهمته اني-
بينما a few تستعملها عادي بدرن ما تدي للشخص ذاك الشعور بعدم الرضا

سؤال دقيق ما شاء الله توي انتبه بأنه اكو اثنين من a few و few
بالتوفيق اتمنى يكون شرحي واضح ودقيق
by (197 points)
واضح جدا وجميل
ربنا يحفظك و يوفقك دايما للنجاح
ومعلومة جميلة وقوية
بالفعل الجملة تبدو منطقية  القليل من الأسابيع
انا كنت مستغرب ال a بتعمل ايه بالضبط
لكن بعد شرحك الممتع عرفت فايدتها
شكرا جزيلا
by (54 points)
+2 votes
Person A:  im sad cause my relationship with her is on the rocks

Person B:there are plenty of fish in the sea
by (197 points)
Wow , a beautiful way to answer
Idiom to idiom answer
by (54 points)
Thanks for your amazing response
by (1.2k points)
0 votes
Nice information my dear

Thanks a lot

It benefits me

Good luck for you
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