
Bookworm episode 1 [closed]

in bookworm
by (5 points)
+3 votes

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته 

Today's episode was really intresting,  the topic was just amazing

Basically I  agree totally with the author and I think that success is the key of living a healthy lifestyle especially nowadays 

Also I think the author when speaking of  success he meant the financial  one most then any other type of succes

because  all examples he spoke  about  

   success were in relation with money and that's not a bad thing  at all   because it much more secure to be   someone

successful financially so you can buy anything you need,  you will not         worry 

  about the future and  that's gives you the possibility of being more  creative, more confident   

That was my opinion about today's lesson and I love it  so much  

Please feel free to correct me if I was wrong because it has been a long time I didn't write in English  

Thank you so much 

closed with the note: تمت الاجابة

3 Answers

by (1.3k points)
+2 votes
I definitely agree with you as well as the writer !
by (1.2k points)
+1 vote
I agree with you too

Good luck for all
by (180 points)
+1 vote
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