
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته 

Hello ,my sisters and brothers . How are you today ?I  hope you fine 

Ok, today I wanna  speak to you in another topic , let's go 


Today I write and talking a bout something that I wanna discussion with you but I can't cause I  have a lot of thing in my mind , then I said to myself why are you confuse ? what wrong with you Noura , why you can't write ?! after 4 hours I  change it and decided to speak a bout your feeling  when  you are have a lot of things and make you confused  which of them should do at first . Some people think when you wanna write something it's so easy , just hold your pen and write . But I'm not agree with them . It's not easy as they think or believe . It's a skill and you should take care  to increasing it : Reading , Searching ,Watching program and then try to write . Now my question is : When you are confuse how can you solve it and What do you do to find the solution ?for me I'm leave it and then come back to do it again , after I take a rest or write all the things in my head in a paper to know which of them is more important than others . Did you get it  ? Tell me your opinion in the comments below 

وشكراً . smiley


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2 Answers

by (2.5k points)
+1 vote

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ❤️ 

كيف حالك اختي نوره 

اتمني تكوني بخير ❤️ 

When I am confused I go to an empty place and start talking to myself until I feel comfortable and then I practice speaking or writing after deep thinking so as not to make a mistake 

Good luck (✿^‿^) 

by (1.9k points)
صباح الخير جميلتي .
أنا الحمد لله بخير ، كيف حالك أنت وكيف هي دراستك ؟
اجابتك رائعه ومفيده .
by (2.5k points)
انا بخير ما دامك بخير اختي نوره ❤️
سلميلي كتيير على اختي زينب
دراستي كويسه الحمد لله
بالتوفيق ❤️⁦(◠‿◕)⁩
by (1.9k points)
بالتوفيق لكِ ان شاء الله تعالى .
قرأت رسالتك لها وهي تقول لكِ الاتي :
( تسلم عليكِ كثيييراً واشتاقت لكِ كثيييراً ، بالامس كانت موجوده في طليق أين كنتِ لم نراكِ  ) .
by (2.5k points)
اتمني تكون بخير دايما ❤️
كنت موجوده لكن بايميل واكونت اختي لاني نسيت باسورد التسجيل على طليق عندما قمت بالتسجيل على الهاتف الجديد كما اني لم ابقي وقتا طويلا فهذه الفتره مشغوله حقا بحجز الدروس للعوده الي الدراسه لهذا لا اكون متصله بالانترنت كثيرا
بالتوفيق ❤️⁦(◠‿◕)⁩
by (1.9k points)
هذا الدعاء هديه مني لك .
( اللهم علمني ما ينفعني ، وانفعني بما علمتني ) .
by (120 points)
+1 vote

It's an excellent topic , i really  enjoyed it , keep going

by (1.9k points)
Thanks a lot
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