
س 1/اشرح باختصار الجمل المركبه

س 2/ماهي الفقره وماهي العبارة

س 3/طريقه للتعبير عن الاستغراب بطريقه مؤديه

س 4/اعطئ مصطلح لكل مم اياتي(الازدهار  الامن المالي

2 Answers

by (180 points)
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+1 vote
Best answer

I prefer answering in English as we studied it at level 2 and 3.

compound sentence:- It's   a sentence consisting of 2 simple sentences which are linked by coordinating conjunctions which are [For-And-Nor-But-Or-yet-so] and we can put them in [fanboys]

The second question says," what's the difference between a clause and a phrase?" The answer is

 A clause: it is a set of words that has at least one subject and one verb

A phrase: it's a set of words that has no subjects nor verbs.

For the third question, we can say oh my god➖ what the heck➖ oh, dear➖ and many other things.

The fouth question is unclear to some extent.

by (1.2k points)
0 votes
السلام عليكم اخي

اتمنى ما تزعل من كلامي ولكن

يفضل أن تسأل سؤال واحد في منشور واحد لان الأسئلة الكثيرة تحتاج إلى كتابة   والشرح والمساحة لكتابتها وهنا لا يكفي أن تكتب كل إجابات لاسئلتك

وجزاك الله كل خير على مشاركتك جميل ومفيد

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